Move Files Around | Lumen 8.0


If you are using Lumen there is a good chance that you are using it for your mobile app. Maybe that's just me. Whatever the reason is moving files from sub-domain to parent -or another subdomain- is kinda tricky with Lumen. Laravel supports moving files from/to other folders. The only reason Lumen doesn't, it doesn't have a package called filesystem installed so let's get started by installing it.

composer require "league/flysystem: ~1.0"

We are forcing v1 because v2 doesn't work with Lumen.

Time to let Lumen know about the filesystem. We can do it in bootstrap/app.php.

First you need to uncomment $app->withFacades(); if you haven't already.

Find the Register Container Bindings section and add;

$app->singleton('filesystem', function ($app) {
    return $app->loadComponent('filesystems', 'Illuminate\Filesystem\FilesystemServiceProvider', 'filesystem');

Now we need our config file but don't worry we can get a little help from our big brother for that. Copy config file from here and place it under config folder in the root dictionary (config/filesystems.php). If it doesn't exist you can create it.

By editing the config file you can tell Lumen the location of your parent/sub-domain. Let's add our images folder under the domain's root as a disk.

'disks' => [
    /* your other disks */
    'images' => [
        'driver' => 'local',
        'root' => '/home/username/domains/',
        'visibility' => 'public',

Also, since our disks have an absolute path, you might want to remove Symbolic Links by emptying the links array or comment out the only line like below.

'links' => [
    // public_path('storage') => storage_path('app/public'),

Configuration is done now we can actually save some files to our images disk.

    $uploaded_image = $request->file.('uploaded'); // Remove the dot
    $uploaded_image_filename = $uploaded_image->getClientOriginalName();
    $new_file_name = time() . '_' .$uploaded_image_filename;
    // First argument is a directory name
    // 2nd argument is our new file name
    // 3rd argument is the disk name we just created
    $uploaded_image->storeAs.('profile', $new_file_name, 'images'); // Remove the dot

Our file will be saved under images/profile.