Cyberpanel | Custom 404 pages

Cyberpanel Custom 404 pages

Using CyberPanel has been a pretty decent experience for me but I hated seeing those OpenLiteSpeeds 404 pages for my website. So like any obsessive sane person, I started looking for a way to use my existing 404.shtml pages but adding rules to .htaccess didn't override the default 404 pages. Looking through many comments, I finally found a way to point the 404 to my custom files. Here's how you do it.

First thing first, you need a custom 404.html (or .shtml would work too) file. Since you are looking for how to use a custom 404 page I'll assume you already have one.

Place the file inside of public_html folder.

In your website management page look under the Configurations and expand vHost Conf. Add the following lines to the root and click Save.

errorpage 404 {
  url                     /404.shtml

You can change the location for the error page and change the url accordingly